Thursday, March 26, 2020

#83 Safe in the apartment

Well.... it seems to me that the whole world is in chaos and nobody knows what to do.  This week I guess could more be like an episode of Friends  except there are just 2 friends. Elder Kuntz and I and just 1 apartment. So ya know it's practically the same.  
But here is Season 1: Episode 1
The one where they are in the apartment for a week:))

Wednesday was a pretty good day. We started out like we normally do and then went to the church so we could have our online district council. We had a great conversation about reviewing what we had talked about and learned at zone conference. It was good to talk with the district again and get some good social time with other missionaries Haha. We went back and had some studies.... we studied Finnish and Swedish. Trying our best not to get headaches while switching from one language to another but we managed just fine:)). We had lots of time to study that night. We made some calls to try to get a hold of people but that wasn't all that great.  Not much for Wednesday. But it was a good day. 

Thursday we had a mission wide video call in the morning and that took a little bit of time. We have been having a lot lately. After the call we did some personal study that we missed because of the early morning call.... and then did some companionship study. Lunch and dinner are one of my favorite parts of the day now, cause it breaks up the studying:). We made a list of friends we would call and members and less actives. We had a great chat with our one member Freddy. They guy is hilarious and so chatting with him really lightened up the mood of the morning and we had a good time talking on the phone with him. We called a few other members but they were busy so we couldn't chat long. We went back to the studying grind and took a walk in the woods. I am way grateful for our walks... we don't always have to stay on the neighborhood streets... we can just bounce off the road and into the trees and walk along one of the millions of walking paths. We came back and I made us a really big pizza and that tasted pretty good. President had told us we should start trying to do finding on facebook and friending our ward members so that we can get in contact with members that way. Honestly... maybe it's just because I'm new to the whole thing with using Facebook as a missionary tool... but it's pretty boring. I'm sure my attitude about it will change if I figure it out Haha. But hey...we have all read what it says in 2 Nephi 9:34 so it's best to be open and honest right? And we had another mission video call that night. We were supposed to share our successes from the day to the mission. It was great to hear all the stories from other missionaries so that was pretty cool and good time spent. 

Friday we had studies and all of our normal things that we do in the morning. We did that and then we had to do some weekly planning. Weekly planning didn't take as long this week so that's a good thing Haha. But we had some pretty good walks around little Jakobstad and that was nice. We have had some pretty nice sunny days here this past week which has been awesome cause ya know... who doesn't love the sun? We called and chatted with some members and tried to reach out to them and our less actives. That night though it was bomb.... I walked into the kitchen and looked out the window  and I saw the northern lights starting to show!!  Elder Kuntz had never seen them before so very casually I'm like "Elder Kuntz wanna see the northern lights?" And he's like "are you serious? Yeah!" So we went out on the balcony in the staircase of our building and watched them. Although the clarity of them wasn't that great... they were some of the best that I've seen if not the best that I've seen. It  was clear skies and they were going strong for like an hour. There was a point you could see like 5-6 rows of lights all waving in the night sky. They are pretty dope so I'd highly recommend you go check those out sometime Haha. 

Saturday really not that much happened. We spent a lot of time making calls and also spent a lot of time talking to our less active member Freddy:)). The  guy cracks me up and we have had a lot of contact with him lately with us either calling him or him calling us to talk. So that was way enjoyable to chat with Freddy. We also that night had a video chat lesson with our friend Jenni and we had planned to teach her the restoration again and had a way good conversation about how God is our loving Heavenly Father. It was a way good lesson. So the next time we can meet with her we will finish the lesson!

Sunday was a pretty fun day cause like half of it we were at the church. So we walked to the church in the morning to fill out that thing the church sent out for the US to let them know where all us Americans are. But we got to the church and I realized I forgot my passport so we walked back....but by the time we got back to the church it was time for actual church. So we watched a broadcast from Helsinki and then after, President had told us that we could hold a Sunday school with our district. So then for the next hour we also got to talk with our district members via skype and have a good sunday school chat which was way fun. After that we filled out the form and went home and studied. We made lots of calls and I made some meatball subs for dinner which were pretty good. And then we studied some more language and by then it was already time to do call ins. I then called all our district members to get numbers and chatted with the zone leaders as well so that was way fun!

Monday was a good day. We had like an hour chat with our branch President over the phone about the less actives in our branch and who we can reach out to and also who on our list that have moved from Jakobstad to the Spirit World if you know what I mean. So that was great and we busted out some calls and that went really well as well.

Well that's all I really got for you this week. Self Isolation is an adventure of it's own and this is what the adventure brought to you this week Haha. Maybe next week we will have some more Indiana Jones types of adventures but we shall see.

Have a good week and Corona free!

Elder Love Out
1) A friend made this picture:)
2-3) Northern lights
4) Homemade orange julius
5-20) From their walks in Jacobstad

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