Friday, April 3, 2020

#84 Another week in paradise

Sorry this one is probably not going to be a very long weekly.... cause there is really not that much to tell you about this week Haha. But I am alive and well and still staying Corona free. 

The highlight of Wednesday was that we had a pretty good district council and it was good to chat with the district for a while since we don't get to talk to them very often all together. We talked about the Book of Mormon and practiced teaching the restoration in under 4 minutes so we can practice teaching it very simply... and that was fun. 

Thursday we had an EMLC meeting over the phones that morning so that took up some time. Talked about the new online Proselytizing we will be doing. That night we had a way fun gospel study with the Rovaniemi elders! It was way fun getting to chat with them. Elder Davis is a hoot and way fun to talk to. 

Friday really nothing happened. We did some weekly planning and took some walks around lil Jakobstad to get us some fresh air and sunlight. If I remember correctly too... this morning as well we went for a morning bike ride for exercise. It was a nice cool foggy spring morning. That was fun. 

Saturday we had a gospel study with the Kajaani elders and got to talk to my boy Elder Cox Haha it's always good to chat with him. We also made some pretty tasty sweet pork burritos with homemade tortillas and other goods. Starting to get better at this cooking thing I think. We also played a few games of chess and me and Elder Kuntz are getting pretty good at it.... and our first session of trying to do our best facebook finding didn't go so hot. Probably because we have no idea what we are doing. I guess you really can't teach an old dog new tricks but I think we will figure it out eventually Haha. 

Sunday was a pretty good day. We had church and then got to do another big district Sunday school class and do come follow me so that was pretty fun. We also got to call all the district members and doing call ins that we got to talk with a lot of missionaries on Sunday. 

Monday president had suggested to us that we should try and do a music fireside for our branch... and to try to think of ways we can incorporate one of our investigators with that. So we started brain storming and we got permission from President to meet with Jenni at the church to try to put this together. That was fun cause we haven't really seen anyone in person in like almost 3 weeks so that just fun to talk to someone face to face Haha but we will see if we can get that fireside thing to work but we will see. 

Hope y'all have a good week!

Elder love out 
1) Staring at the phone doing facebook....had to rest the eye:)
2) "If you're wondering how I'm feeling"
3-10) From their bikeride

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