Wednesday, April 22, 2020

#87 Elder Kuntz's Birthday

This week has been pretty busy and has been a lot of fun! Sorry for the pretty boring intro. Not sure what else to add other than that is has been really fun!

Wednesday was a pretty quick and busy day. The day started out with us doing a lot of studies in the morning and then having lunch. We had district council that afternoon so that the zone leaders could join us on the call. We had a pretty good district council chatting with all the elders. Maybe it was having it at a different time... but it seemed to be a really long meeting... but oh well:)After district council we had s small meeting with the zone leaders reviewing the district council and chatting for a bit. After that... the rest of our day consisted of teaching some of Elder Kuntzs family in Denmark, studying some Swedish and a mission wide meeting that we have every day.

Thursday we got out a bit earlier and headed to the church so that we could use the computers there to send a spiritual thought to the branch. It is a lot easier on computers so we decided to do it there. We came back for some lunch and then went to make a special delivery of Plan of Salvation pamphlets at a members home. But sadly we just had to drop it off and go and couldn't chat with them. But then we went back to the apartment to do some Facebook finding and dinner. Our night ended with trying to call less actives who did not answer and then a short meeting with the mission as Sister Aura taught us some Finnish haha. 

Friday we started our day with one of my favorite things... weekly planning haha. It went a lot better this time and wasn't as bad Haha. We got it done pretty quick cause we didn't have much to plan for. After lunch we went to meet Jenni at the church to practice playing some more of the songs. I'm not sure if this music fireside that we are working on will actually happen, or if it does... I think it will happen sometime next transfer. We went back and had some studies and tried to contact our man Freddy but we didn't get an answer. He never called us back... so we resulted to do some finding on facebook...trying to get something going on there. The night concluded with teaching a lesson to Elder Kuntz's family again. I'm thinking sooner or later I'll probably have heard more Danish than I have Swedish while being here in Jakobstad haha. Yet Danish doesn't make any sense at all:)). 

Saturday was just a good day in the grind. We didn't have any lessons this day so we had lots of time to do studies and to do some finding. We were able to call some members and it was really good to talk with them. We hadn't talked with some of these members in a while so getting to talk to them was really fun! Always gotta love our members they crack me up as well:) 

Sunday was a really busy day. We had church and we watched the broadcast from Vaasa and listened to Elder Staggs who was there give a good talk... and then I got to listen to some of the ward members there speak. So it was fun getting to see some familiar faces from when I served in Vaasa. After church we had lunch and got some lessons prepared for that afternoon and night. In the afternoon Elder Kuntz taught his grandparents and it went really well from what he told me so that's awesome! We had some way good sweet pork burritos for dinner and then we taught out friend Jenni. Our lessons with Jenni was really good and one of the best ones I've had with her. We had planned to talk about the Plan of Salvation....but had her think about what she believed about what happens after this life and what she hoped for. We had a good discussion about her Hope's and what she believed... and then later on down the conversation we were talking about her and how she wants to help people and all kinds of stuff. She cried in our lesson and there was a point me and Elder Kuntz didn't say anything for like 20 min as she talked.... and we just watched the spirit do what he does best. It was like the spirit came in and smacked me the same way Richard hits Tommy with a 2 by 4 piece of wood in Tommy Boy. It was a way cool lesson to feel the spirit really strong and also see it work in Jenny which is something I haven't seen all that much in her... so that was way cool. Sunday night during call ins as well all the Elders had good stories to share from the week and it was really fun talking to them and hearing about their weeks. 

Monday was Elder Kuntz's Birthday!! He turned the big 20. And we also had splits with the Vaasa elders so it was a busy day. We went to Prisma in the morning to get some freshly baked bread from the bakery for a birthday breakfast and we also got a birthday dinner and dessert as well. We went back and did studies, facebook finding, and chatted with the Vaasa elders. That was a lot of fun but it gets pretty tiring cause you are on the phone video chatting format good part of the day Haha. But that was way fun. We made some steak and french fries for dinner and then video called Elder Kuntz's family to "eat dinner together" over the phone which was actually pretty fun. He has got a really nice family and they all speak really good English as well. Good thing they didn't test me on Danish cause that would have been bad Haha. That night we had a mission wide family home evening and at the end we all sang happy birthday to Elder Kuntz in Finnish... and that definitely had a sound to it. Not sure if it was good or bad but it was a sound haha. And to top off the birthday night we made some fat banana splits with Ben and Jerry's ice cream and whipped cream and chocolate and chopped up almonds. Wow they were way good but boy that was a lot Haha. But Monday was a really fun day as well celebrating Elder Kuntz's birthday. 

So that's the week my friends. Hope you enjoyed this last week as much as I did. Hope you all have a good week!

Elder Love out

1) and Elder Kuntz
2) Me!!
3) Birthday banana splits 
4)Banana split
5)Birthday dinner....steak and fries
6)Having a yummy breakfast before getting ready for the day
7)The Finns are great at social distancing
8)Awesome sunset
9)Attempted to make chicken parmesan
10)From our walk
11)Winter is too long!!

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