Thursday, April 30, 2020

#88 Zone conference and splits

This week has been really fun! Well... every week is fun but you have to emphasize that every week is fun cause they really are!  But here is what happened this week:

Wednesday was a pretty fun day. We had our last district council for the transfer because we have zone conference the next week. So we had a really good conversation about not only believing in Christ but Believing Christ. I really enjoy that topic cause it makes you think. After district council we had some lunch and then we hit the studies pretty hard and studied some Swedish and Finnish. We then had a lesson teaching Elder Kuntz's family and that went really well. We had some dinner and finished off the night with some Facebook finding and our mission wide meeting. 

Thursday was a pretty busy day cause we had splits with Seinäjoki. So this was round 3 of online splits and they keep getting better and better cause we actually know what we are doing now Haha. But our morning consisted of some Swedish studies before splits and then when our splits started, we started out doing some Facebook finding. We had lunch and then we did some companionship study and Finnish study. Finnish study was pretty fun cause we practiced translating. So for that... one person reads something in Finnish while the other person translates to his companion and it gets way hard Haha. But it's good to practice so that we can be better at translating in church. While elder Kuntz and Fredberg went to teach Elder Kuntz's family members, me and elder Kimball did some more facebook finding and we messaged a few people and tried to get some stuff going with people there. We did dinner and had gospel study with the Seinäjoki elders and then did our splits review and then had our mission wide zoom call. It was a very busy day with one thing after another but it was way fun. The elders is Seinäjoki are way fun!

Friday was a little less busy. We did some studies and facebook finding in the morning. Then we went straight into lunch and headed out for a walk so we could get some fresh air. We then had weekly planning and we did that for a good chunk of time talking about all the people that we are teaching. We also had a lot of people to call so we did that as well and tried to get a hold of people. That night after dinner we had interviews with President. It was good meeting with president again cause it had been a while since I hadn't met with him since last transfer Haha. And this transfer ends pretty much next week. But after meeting with President we made some phone calls and then hopped into our mission wide call to end the day. 

Saturday we went to the church in the morning so that we could work with Jenni on the music. We are actually making pretty good progress and this fireside might actually go through... but it will most likely happen next transfer is what I'm guessing. But it was fun playing music with them and getting out of the apartment for a bit. We came back and had an afternoon filled with studies and Facebook finding. So that went pretty well. That night we had gospel studies with the Kemi elders and that was a lot of fun. We don't get to talk to those elders all that often so getting to do gospel study with them is pretty fun when we get to talk. Then that night we called the Seinäjoki elders so Elder Fredberg could help teach with elder Kuntz.... since they are both from Denmark...and then me and elder Kimball were doing some work on the phones and that was way fun getting to chat with Elder Kimball. And that was about all that happened on Saturday. We also went for a bike ride that day and took a trip through the woods on our bikes and that was way fun. Getting to just hop off the road and be in the woods is way cool. Too bad Utah doesn't have this much forests. 

Sunday we had church and so we tuned into the meeting in Vaasa and that was good. They had some good talks and one talked about general conference. After church we had come follow me with the district. That is always fun getting the whole district together . We had a way good talk reviewing the chapters from Mosiah and talking about king Benjamin. After church we had lunch and decided to go for another bike ride cause we were booked with stuff for the rest of the night. So we headed out on our bike ride and we biked to a familiar spot. We decided to go take the same route we did the day before, but while on the road we found a turn off into the woods just a little bit before where we turned off the day before. So we decided to turn off and get a little bit of a longer ride in the woods haha. Well this turned out to be a really long trail with a ton of rocks so we had to walk with our bikes haha. So it took us a little extra time to get through cause you could not bike there but it was just a normal walking path. So that was quite the adventure. But now we know where we can bike and where not to bike... but to hike Haha. That night we had lots of lessons in Danish and so for part of the lessons while Elder Kuntz was teaching with Elder Fredberg I was working with Elder Kimball. That was a lot of fun. Elder Kimball is a stud and we have a lot of fun together. But that was about all that happened on Sunday. 

Monday we had zone conference! Honestly it went a lot better than I thought it was going to.. having it on the phone. But we had a really good zone conference and talked a lot about goal setting and creating visions of where we want to be and setting the goals to get there. I always felt like you set a vision for something way down the road but you can also set small visions like I can set a vision for the last few months of my mission. I guess for the last little bit of my mission I can check my vision. See if I still got that 20/20 haha. I had to make a joke... it's too funny not too Haha. But yeah with all seriousness... we should make a vision and set goals and achieve whatever it is we want. We also talked about facebook finding and how to be normal so we're not weird and scare people. Just to show that we missionaries are normal people. So that was a good chat as well. After zone conference Elder Kuntz and I did some Facebook contacting and messaged people. Had some dinner and then we talked with a lady via video chat to start teaching her Swedish and practicing Swedish with her. She was a lady found on splits and we are gonna help her learn more Swedish. She was a really nice lady so that was really fun! And to end the night off we did some more stuff on Facebook and also called the Seinäjoki elders to ask about some grammar before we put stuff on Facebook cause let's just say Finnish grammar is just not like the easiest thing and sometimes it gets a little complicated haha. 

That's all I got for ya this week and next week should be exciting cause its transfers! We get the call on Friday so we shall see what happens to Elder Love and where he goes Haha. 

Elder Love out 

Pictures from their bike ride and walk around Jakobstad

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